support the show
Thank you so much for caring enough about our show to want to help support us in what we're doing. There are a few different ways to help us spread the word about party games, and games you take to parties.

The most effective way to help us out is with financial support. It helps us get games, food, replace equipment, pay hosting fees etc.
You can support us monthly on Patreon, or with a one time donation via PayPal.

rate and subscribe
Taking the time to subscribe and rate our show on your platform of choice helps us come up in more folks searches, and that helps spread the word. So if you have the time and desire it would be a big help. Check out our episodes page for links!

follow us
Follow us on social media! We would love to hear from you, and the more folks follow and share our show, the more folks learn about us!
You can also join our guild on Board Game Geek. Links to everything are at the bottom of the page.

If you are a publisher and want us to check out your game, drop us a line via the contact form on our contact page.
We DON'T guarantee any given game will make it to the show, we DO promise to take every game submitted under consideration.
We do not cover kickstarter games but we do welcome sponsors, please contact us for rates!